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Romance between you and your partner in the bedroom slowing down? Getting tired of trying the same old p0$!t ions? Or maybe you fancy a bit of fun outside the bedroom? We have the t 0 p 40 s 8 x p0$!t ions everyone needs to know about!

1 The Sultry Saddle


Great for…
If you want to try something new, sideways s3x is a great place to start!
How does it work?
He lies down with his knees bent and legs apart, and you sort of slot in the middle at right angles to his body. With one hand on his chest, and the other on his lower leg, rock back and forth until he’s hitting the right sp0t.

It’s all about you and you can wiggle around until it feels just right.
The turn offs
It might take a bit of practice to get it right, but hey, who’s complaining?
Difficulty rating 2/5
It can take a while to get the p0$!t ioning just right.
Fun rating 3/5
If the trickiness doesn’t slow down your fun – it’s a winner!
You say
: ‘Excellent p0$!t ion. You have to try it’

2 The $qu@t

Great for…
You. Gives you the most amazing sensation.
How does it work?
Quite simply, he lies on the bed and you $qu@t on t 0 p of him. Yup, that’s it. Then you raise yourself up and down on him, leaning on the bed, his hands or his chest.
The turn-ons
This will stimulate you in ways you never thought possible.
The turn-offs
You look pretty stupid and you have keep your balance and make sure you don’t tip forward – that could be rather painful for him.
You say: ‘This p0$!t ion rocks – my boyfriend loves it too’

3 Face to face

Great for…
Slow, relaxing s 8 x
How does it work?
You basically sit opposite each other and then you slide into his lap and sit on t 0 p of him. You then join your legs behind him and he put his feet together to provide a kind of cradle for you. You then just rock on him.
The turn-ons
This often produces a simultaneous 0r ga $m, as you both build up together to cl!maks.
The turn-offs
It may be a bit tame and slow for some people.
You say: ‘My partner and I tried this in the bath’

4 Standing up

Great for…
Hitting your G-sp 0 t
How does it work?
You turn to face the wall, stand around two feet away and stick your bum out a little. He then enters you. Possibly bending his knees to make it easier for access.
The turn-ons:
You get to thrust backwards using the wall and it’s a whole lot easier than doing it standing up face-to-face
The turn-offs:
You’ve got to stand up… which in itself is possibly a turn-off, as it involves more effort than normal

5 The Scissors

Great for… Intimate s 8 x
How does it work? Easy to do, complicated to explain. So you lie facing each other and put your t 0 p leg over his hip. He grabs your bum and then you out your arm round his waist and push your bottom leg against his leg.
The turn-ons
You’ll be rubbing your clitoral area on his groin and you get to kiss each other.
The turn-offs
A little boring and pedestrian for some.
You say: ‘It’s not visually exciting but physically it’s amazing’

6 The Sp!der


Great for…
Long slow intercourse
How does it work?
Start with her sitting facing and astride him. The the woman lies back, followed by the man until each partner’s head in between the other’s legs. Then each partner can bring their knees up and hold onto the other’s legs. Now all you need to do is slow, wiggling movements to keep each other aroused for a long time.
The turn-ons
This is a very lazy, enjoyable p0$!t ion that can keep you happy for a long time
The turn-offs
There’s not a lot of action and movement, which could be boring for some

7 Woman on t 0 p

Great for…
Both of you
How does it work?
Get the man to lay down on the bed with his legs out in front of him. Now climb on t 0 p like a cowgirl and let him penetrate you. You can then lean back and hold onto his ankles or knees if he lifts them up. You can now control the pace now and also tease him.
The turn-ons
He’ll love it, because the view is great and you should like it because you’re in charge
The turn-offs
You have to do all the work. Also, some women find that the deep p3n3trat!on can hurt if their partner is quite large.

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